Step Up: All In the latest in the Step Up franchise brings together stars from previous films to form the ultimate dance crew in order to compete in a Las Vegas battle and, along the way, the dancers learn there is more to life than winning. To take us through the film enjoy our interview with Kid David who portrays Chad as he discusses being recognized as one of the worlds leading B-boy’s and the Step Up production!
You’ve named dance films “Breakin” & “Beat Street” as some of your earliest influences in Breakdance performance. What about those early films caught your attention?
I just remember watching the intro to Breakin. There was a little kid with an afro that jumped out of a trash can and did headspins, he must have been 7 years old. I was like, “I can do that” . The rawness of it all attracted me.
You are currently starring in popular dance franchise Step Up’s latest film “Step Up: All In” out this July. What can you tell our readers about the film? Are you hoping to inspire the next generation of B-Boys
For those that have seen past Step Ups, this one will be very exciting because they get the crew back together and we get to see a lot of the old cast back in it. You can definitely count on some epic dance pieces, funny characters and of course , a kiss at the end.
You were an assistant choreographer on past Step Up installments, what brought you in front of the camera for the latest film?
I actually was going in for my meeting / pitch to be an associate choreographer on this one when the director said ” You could totally play Chad”, and the rest is history. I auditioned for the role of CHAD, a douchey ballroom dancer that hits on cougars all day and got it! It was challenging in so many ways, but I can’t wait for you to see CHAD in action, he is awesome.
The core of Step Up films is choreography & group performances. How does the production schedules differ vs a standard film?
I think what makes it most challenging is the rehearsal time. So much rehearsal goes into these films, more then people realize. Also sometimes its not easy to do these pieces over and over so that they can shoot it properly and capture the best moments. Shooting dance is never easy so a film like this can be hard work for the crew too.
Step Up is known for its jaw-dropping acrobatic sequences, were there any routines you found the most complex?
Every piece had its own complexities. What’s a continuous challenge is the use of props. There were so many different elements being used, whether it was air or sand or fire… these all make the dance complex. The pieces change up to the moment they are filmed so you gotta stay on your toes.
Breaking requires complete muscle and body movement how do you keep your body from overexerting itself? Any regimens you would suggest?
The trick is spurts, bboying is like sprinting. We push really hard for about 30 seconds to minute then we get a break. Just pace yourself . Also keep your joints strong and stretch. The more flexible you are, the stronger and faster you become.
How would you define “B-Boy” lifestyle?
The bboy lifestyle is not an easy one. Most boys have the goal of mastering the dance, something that is not easy and can take years. Then the goal is to get in a crew and rep your city state or country. At the core of Bboying is the battle, where you test yourself and others. Most boys are traveling battling, practicing everyday and trying to make ends meet in-between. There are tons of ways for a bboy to make money: street shows, bar mitzvahs, movies, tours, the list goes on. The bboy lifestyle is definitely a sore one where proving yourself is key.
The Step Up franchise had produced a few household names like Channing Tatum. Can fans expect to see you taking your acting beyond the dance genre?
Yes I really hope so. I just love being on set. I love the challenges and all the details … and most of all I love not sweating my ass off. It feels good to have a part in the story aside from exciting moves… I can’t wait to do more.
What do you feel the most comfortable performing in? Any favorite sneaker or active wear brands?
Levis, Adidas, Converse, Stussy. Those are my brands.
You have quite a large social media following, how important is it to interact with your followers? What is your favorite social media platform or app?
My favorite : INSTAGRAM ( _kiddavid) It’s super important to me because this is the best way we communicate with our fans now a days. They care, so you should too.. thank you for following me!
You travel quite a bit performing & competing across the globe. What can fans expect from you in the upcoming months?
I’ll be in Croatia in July and Brazil in August. Just judging and teaching there, but look out for the movie !!! August 8th it’s going down.. get ready for THE CHAD.
Step Up: All In premieres in theaters July 25th!