Since it’s debut in 2007, Mark Ryan has been an essential part of Michael Bay’s summer blockbuster series, Transformers, without ever actually appearing on...
Interview: Chris Cali | Photos: Sailey Williams I was first introduced to up and coming independent queer recording artist AB SOTO in the downtown scene of New York City, witnessing his energetic performances on a tiny stage at East Village gay...
Katy Perry recently launched a new label, Metamorphosis Music, with Capitol Records and revealed the signing of pop singer Ferras, her first artist. "Ferras...
Step Up: All In the latest in the Step Up franchise brings together stars from previous films to form the ultimate dance crew in order to compete in a Las Vegas battle and, along the way, the dancers learn there is more to life than winning. To take...
On May 29th, 2014, on the eve of the opening of JCK Las Vegas, the world’s largest diamond and jewelry trade show, the Diamond Empowerment Fund (D.E.F)...
Die Antwoord is back with a video for their new single Pitbull Terrier, a track taken from the follow up to 2012's Ten$ion. Pitbull Terrier is bizarre and conceptual as most D.A fans come to expect featuring frontman Ninja as a anthropomorphic...