Watching the dark, sometimes twisted beauty of a Skingraft show is never boring. And amid the hundreds of runway shows, presentations and parties that make up New York Fashion week, merely being “interesting” or “different” is high praise. Skingraft raises that bar, presenting, season after season, the ever evolving but still unified vision of designer Jonny Cota and company.

Article & Photography :Jason T. Jaskot

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Blacks and shades of grey still rule, but this season the patterns are more pronounced and the accessories, like backpacks and oversize hats, pop out a bit more. The program says the collection is inspired by “young nomads trekking through the Peruvian mountains,” but also by “the legends of alien activity around Peru,” and the drop crotch pants, ponchos, hoodies and overall look fit the theme perfectly. The thing is there isn’t a whiff of pretension about it. Skingraft really is something special; even if you’re not a nomad in Peru these are pieces you can readily wear out in the streets of NY or LA.

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