XEX Magazine is excited to bring you a new season of our popular MODEL XEX-POSED section on xexmag.com. A new format in the shape of striking editorial stories that will put the spotlight in the hottest and freshest model faces and photographers in the business.
This edition was lensed by photographer/model Leonardo Corredor giving the spotlight to Ioanna Ntenti & face of Givenchy Chris Moore that perfectly illustrates XEX’s rebellious mood this season leading up to our summer issue.This feature also honors the memory of Leonardo’s best friend and fashion stylist Fabiana Negron on the last time they created magic together before her passing.
Remember to LIKE your favorite model stories as at the end of the season the Model story with the most likes will have an exclusive editorial in an upcoming print edition.
Attention photographers: Do you have models you will like to see XEX-POSED? submissions are now open and editorials with new faces are being considered. We cannot wait to hear from you! Email: submissions@xexmag.com