Cameron Palatas stars in MTV’s scripted comedy, “Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous,” an all-new, half hour single-camera scripted comedy series starring comedian Bo Burnham as Zach Stone, a fresh-out-of-high school teenager who opts to pursue a life of fame and stardom instead of attending college. The series follows Zach, who hires a camera crew to film him throughout his daily life as a part of his quest to become an over-night celebrity – even though he possesses no real talent. Palatas plays Zach’s brother, Andy : all American athlete, star student, and ladies man. Palatas’ other television credits include Disney’s A.N.T. Farm, October Road, and iCarly.
From Disney’s A.N.T Farm and now to MTV’s Zach Stone is Gonna Be Famous. Tell us a little bit about your journey to becoming an actor.
My journey as an actor has been incredible. I came from Kansas City, Missouri where I did print jobs and background work in commercials, to being a series regular on a TV show in Los AngeleS. I consider myself very blessed to be doing what I love. I think the main thing that people miss in life is just that. They chase money instead of dreams. Chase dreams and money won’t matter.
In the new MTV series “Zach stone is going to be famous” you play Zach’s little brother, Andy stone. A Golden Boy, ladies’ man, straight A-student, and sports star- how much are you like Andy in your real life?
Haha, actually I was a bit of an athlete throughout high school and I got good grades. I don’t know if I’m a ladies man like Andy though. Maybe in a different way. I don’t feel like Andy would hold the door for a woman and I definitely would. Chivalry is not dead to me.
Your character Andy Stone had been described as an all American athlete, star student, and ladies’ man. How much of yourself do you see in Andy?
I see myself in Andy, Just not as self-centered. Andy is self-centered, much like Zach, but Andy shows it in a different way. I try not to be like that.
Working on a set with other young actors and comedians must keep everyone on their toes. Do the practical jokes ever go off camera? If you had to say, who is funnier- You or your costar Bo Burnam?
Many jokes go on off camera. As for comparing my comedy with Bo Burnham’s, I’m flattered. Bo’s definitely funnier. He’s one of the funniest people I’ve met.
How would you describe your person style versus that of your character Andy Stone?
My personal style is a bit different from Andy Stone’s. Andy dresses very preppy. Andy would wear a polo shirt with J. Crew shorts and some boats shoes, whereas I would wear a v-neck, Diesel jeans, and high tops.
Any work out regimens to maintain your athletic figure for your character, we understand you practice Martial arts and kick boxing? Any MMA style brawls between you and Zach this season?
It’s actually funny that you ask that. A year went by between the time we filmed the pilot episode and the time we had filmed the rest of the series, and in that time frame I had gained about 10 lbs of muscle. This wasn’t a character choice, just more of a personal choice. I do practice MMA and boxing; those are some of my favorite hobbies. We were going to add a scene into the show where I put Zach into an arm bar for a credit sequence, but we just ended up wrestling instead.
What activities do you enjoy in your free time; we understand that you are a selfproclaimed HALO expert & gamer?
I love gaming, but there isn’t enough time in the day anymore. I also love boxing, singing, rapping, writing music, and swimming.
Zach Stone is Gonna Be Famous is one of the few new scripted on this season, ironically being about reality television. What is your take on the domination of reality television as an actor?
For me, it depends on the reality show. Some shows are bearable, other shows I can’t stand. It really just depends on how ridiculously outlandish the show is.
Zach Stone is Gonna Be Famous has been out for a little over a month now. What has been the public’s response to the show?
To my knowledge, you either love the show or you hate the show. I don’t think there’s an in-between. Most people I’ve talked to that have seen it really love it.
Tell us about your new leading role in feature film Pass The Light? Any other feature films in the works?
In “Pass The Light” I play Steve Bellafiore. He’s a kid in a small town that’s trying to bring the city together by loving one another rather than hating and judging one another. Other projects are in the works but I can’t leak what they are at this point.
As a socially aware young person with your support of Children’s Hunger Fund and having received an award from Mayor of Los Angeles for your work with Drug – Free America, what advice can you give for other people your age with becoming active with their community?
Do your best to help your community. If you see trash on the ground, pick it up. If you see someone that needs help, help them. We all fail at this at times because each one of us is a human being, but do your best to help out.
Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous Airs 11:00 PM ET/PT on MTV – TUNE IN!