XEX’s Ranking Of The Top 10 Often Overlooked 90s Television Heartthrobs #N0JonathanTaylorThomasHere
10. Khalil Kain
He couldn’t keep up with Lisa on their date but he had the Juice.
Keith- Raheem – Juice, Living Single, Aaron – Sister Sister
9. Andrew Shue
Cab Driver & Roomate Bae.
Billy – Melrose Place
8. Nicholas Brendon
Only Friend Without Superpowers. Dated Alot Of Demons.
Xander – Buffy The Vampire Slayer
7. Fredro Starr
The boyfriend you were scared to introduce to Mom & Dad. #90sTrade
Quentin aka Q – Moesha
6. Barry Watson
Everyone’s favorite older brother.
Matt Camden – 7th Heaven
5. Merlin Santana
The Dominican teenage Lothario of T. Washington High. “Heyyy Mr. Hightower!”
Romeo Santana – The Steve Harvey Show
4. Dante Basco 
Rufiooo! Rufiooo! Rufiooo!
Rufio – Hook
3. Jason David Frank
He made green look so good while calling for The Dragonzord.
Tommy – Mighty Mophin Power Rangers
2. Andrew Keegan
Everyone’s boyfriend & secret crush. #MaryCamden #StephanieTanner Can they name 10 things they hate about him?
1. Bumper Robinson
He was in EVERYTHING, and still got a ass whooping by Joe Jackson.
Dorian – A Different World, Daniel – Family Matters, Clarence – Amen